dnes je 8.2.2025


Otázky a procvičení k 1. lekci

3.5.2018, Zdroj: Verlag Dashöfer

Otázky a procvičení k 1. lekci


You are going to give a presentation on the theme of development and trade. You have the basic idea of your speech, but you don't have some key vocabulary. Fortunately the vocabulary you need may be found in exercises we have done so far, so you can find it there. Or if you have already learnt the vocabulary, you may have few problems filling the gaps! (Some gaps are part filled to help you. Many words can be found more than once, especially in different forms.)

„Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen.

Today I am going to discuss development and trade. As I am sure you know, many ……………….. countries depend on their ………………… sector for their economic …………………..1 and so free ………………………. is essential for them to make progress. Basic materials must be …………………….2 to richer countries for this to happen.

What concerns me then is that through …………………………3 and ………………………4 we in more …………………… countries might actually be making it harder for poorer countries to enter our ……………………...

It is true the we don't want to live in a economy that is completely a …………………. economy, but rather that we understand that we need to find a balance, a ………………….. economy. On the other hand, we must remember
